Consultations: Monday – Friday, 09:00-18:00


Availability:  In stock

The release form: 60 capsules


“Griffonia” is a bioactive product that beneficially influences the work of central and peripheral nervous systems. It has a slight sedative effect, helps against stressful and depressive states, improves general stress resistance and work capacity.

The main effects of the product

  • - regulates sleeping cycles, fights insomnia

  • - reduces stress levels, anxiety, depression

  • - fights fatigue

  • - helps to suppress neurosis and nervous system disorders

  • - works as an antidepressant

  • - eases PMS symptoms

  • - improves brain functioning

  • - normalizes oxygen and nutrients transportation to the brain

How the main ingredients work

Griffonia itself is a plant from the African continent that possesses sedative and calming properties, and in synergy with active vitamins of B group it regulates brain functioning, stabilizes the nervous system, fights symptoms of anxiety, depression, normalizes sleeping patterns and generally improves mental health.

The plant’s seeds contain valuable element - 5-hydroxytryptophan - it is a natural amino acid that participates in serotonin synthesis. Serotonin stimulates brain cells from the inside and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

5-HTP in combination with vitamin B6 regulates endorphin synthesis, corrects sleeping cycles, has antidepressant properties, improves memory and concentration, helps women with PMS symptoms. In addition, this combination helps to suppress appetite and as a result, consume less food (especially carbohydrates).

Vitamin B6 actively participates in normalizing brain activity. It helps to properly absorb certain amino acids that regulate hormone production, eventually influencing serotonin and norepinephrine levels, which have antidepressant and antipsychotic effects. This vitamin is extremely helpful in stressful situations, when organism needs an additional source of serotonin and endorphin.

Vitamin B12 participates in the regulation of emotional state. It reduces stressful and depressive feelings, normalizes sleep patterns thanks to regulating the synthesis of melatonin. This vitamin improves the overall state of the organism and contributes to the health of every system in human body.

How to use

Specialists recommend taking one capsule of the product daily, during mealtime.

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