Coral Licorice Root
“Licorice Root” is a bioactive product designed to help the immune system and generally improve organism’s state. Ginger root and licorice that are presented in this product are famous immunity boosters and are pure natural extracts that have little to none negative effects.
The main effects of the product
- improves immunity
- positively influences digestion and metabolism
- prevents catching fever, cold, flu
- helps with respiratory diseases
- prevents GIT irritations and inflammations
- works as an expectorant
- has a positive influence on general health
How the main ingredients work
Licorice is a very rich natural source of many vital elements: organic acids, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, saponins, fibers. It is a popular plant in the Chinese traditional medicine, which is known for only using natural herbal extracts and for being very effective. Licorice has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, expectorant properties, meaning it not only reduces chances of getting sick but also helps the organism to heal itself when necessary and to stop respiratory diseases. The plant boosts interferon production, which is responsible for the immune response, and thus it stimulates the natural protecting powers. The product helps to restore inner microflora in the GIT and improve the mucous membranes of cells, strengthening them.
Licorice has expectorant effects due to saponins in it that stimulate the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi, activating the secrecy process. Flavonoids in the product have pain-relieving properties, they help to reduce inflammations and activate recovery process.
Ginger root is a very famous plant that has many healthy properties: it stimulates immunity and helps to fight cold, flu, and other diseases, it improves GIT functioning, helps with nausea and bloating, it has a strong toning effect, helps to regulate cholesterol levels and improves metabolism, generally helps to feel better.
How to use
Specialists recommend taking one capsule of the product daily, during mealtime.
Licorice Root Manufactured in: United States Coral Club
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