Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada is a bioactive supplement that regulates and normalizes the work of the GIT. It was designed to specifically help the work of the stomach and the intestines, it regulates inner microflora and prevents damages to the inner walls if the GIT, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and actively stimulates metabolism and detoxification.
The main effects of the product
- regulates the activity of the GIT
- restores healthy microflora
- eases the absorption of nutrients
- acts as a mild laxative
- detoxifies
- stimulates regeneration processes
- promotes a better digestion
- stops inflammations
- boosts the immune system
- reduces allergy reactions
- regulates the bowel movements
How the main ingredients work
The cascara plant is a well-known natural laxative with a strong but caring effect, and people have been using it for centuries. It stimulates the activity of the intestines and primary the colon, thus ensuring a healthy metabolism and regular bowel movements. It tones the intestines muscles and activates peristalsis.
It promotes detoxification due to flushing out wastes and toxins from the intestines, it creates a mucous membrane that protects the inner wall of the GIT from any damages caused by the detoxification process. A healthy microflora of the GIT is a sign of a strong immune system and a great metabolism, which means the body uses all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it receives and the protective mechanisms work fine.
The natural ingredients of the product are only activated in the large intestine, so the effects will start showing only after 8 or 10 hours, so it is recommended to take the pill before bedtime. The active components only start breaking down in the large intestine and start stimulating peristalsis and slow down the process of liquid absorption - meaning the stool will be softer.
The tannins in the product regulate the microflora by stimulating mucus production, have anti-inflammatory properties.
Essential oils have a powerful antibacterial effect, they stop inflammations and help the body to fight viruses and infections. These oils stimulate the work of the liver, prevent the increase of cholesterol level in the blood, and contribute to the detoxification process. They also have anesthetic properties and help with stomach pains.
How to use
Specialists recommend taking one or two pills of product daily, during mealtime.
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