Yummy Vits Lemon
Yummy Vits Lemon is a product specially designed to fulfill children’s needs in minerals and vitamins. It boosts the immune system, supports the cardiovascular system, positively influences the brain and nervous system, making a child more attentive and concentrated. It helps the growing organism to develop smoothly and stay healthy! The lemon extracts are beneficial for the immune system and the GIT, as they regulate the synthesis of many enzymes participating in the digestion processes. And any child will love the sweet and sour taste of the Lemon, designed to be both entertaining and nice!
The main effects of the product
- regulates the growth of bone and muscle tissues
- normalizes the work of the nervous system, improves stress resistance
- supports the immune system
- activates healing and regeneration processes
- enhances memory, concentration
- regulates the work of the cardiovascular system
- normalizes the vitamin-mineral balance in the organism
- eases the absorption of nutrients
How the main ingredients work
The product is a rich source of vitamins of many groups, they work in synergy and support the effects of each other.
Vitamin A - a great antioxidant, protects the cells from the free radicals and toxins, actively regulates the production of enzymes, is important for the breakdown of fats and proteins. Vitamin A actively stimulates metabolism on a cellular level, protects the eyes and enhances vision. One of the main properties of this vitamin - the stimulation of the immune system and the immune responses, it regulates the production of immunoglobulins, helps the organism to fight infections and viruses.
D3 - greatly eases and controls the absorption of calcium and phosphorous, which are important for the strength of bones and muscles, they also participate in the work of the cardiovascular system. This vitamin actively supports the immune and nervous systems.
E - is important for a proper physical state of the child, physical activity. It participates in energy metabolism and helps the organism to store it, positively influences the cardiovascular and the nervous systems, contributes to cellular growth and regeneration, which is extremely important for kids and teenagers.
B6 - is important for a proper digestion and absorption of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it has anti-inflammatory effect, participates in cell regeneration, regulates the work of heart and nervous system. It actively helps the muscles relax after physical loads, which eases their regeneration and growth.
B9 - simply a folic acid, important for any living organism, especially kids, as it is one of the main elements that stimulate cellular growth and proper development. It stimulates the immune system, regulates the work of heart and vessels, normalizes the state of the nervous system. It is important for blood formation and flow, thus for every system and organ of the body. Lack of this vitamin can lead to untreatable diseases and conditions.
B12 - important for a proper activity of the nervous system as it participates in the synthesis of myelin. It is highly important for those children who have difficulties with socialization or neurological disorders. It also stimulates a proper metabolism and brain activity.
B5 - participates in the work of the nervous system of a developing child, stimulates the production of hormones and mediators.
B4 - protective element of the nervous cells, it improves brain activity, especially the memory, positively affects child’s ability to concentrate and pay attention.
Iodine - vital for a proper development of the thyroid gland, the whole endocrine system. The lack of this vitamin can lead to brain damages and a weak nervous system.
Selenium - helps the work of the whole organism by fighting free radicals and toxins, contributing to the production of natural hormones and enzymes.
How to use
Specialists recommend taking one tablet of product daily.
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