Consultations: Monday – Friday, 09:00-18:00

Coral Burdock Root

Availability:  In stock

The release form: 90 capsules


“Burdock Root” is a product aimed at regulating metabolic processes in the body and activating its protecting system, including detoxifying and purifying. The product consists of natural herbal extracts and helps the organism to cleanse the digestive system, improve the blood composition and pressure, to easily flush out wastes and toxins from the body.

The main effects of the product

  • - regulates the enzymes and hormones synthesis
  • - regulates metabolic and digestive processes
  • - anti-inflammatory
  • - improves liver function
  • - activates detoxification process
  • - normalizes blood composition, lowers cholesterol
  • - improves the nutrients absorption

How the main ingredients work

Inulin is one of the most valuable components of the product, it normalizes the liver and pancreas functions, regulates the production of glycogen, helps to restore a proper inner microflora in the gut and the intestines, thus normalizes the digestion and metabolism.

The organic acids of the burdock are important for a proper cleansing process: they help to bind and flush the toxins from the GIT, they contribute to the blood purification, lowering cholesterol levels and preventing anemia and atherosclerosis, they help to clean the organism of toxins, urea, ammonia, uric acids and more, restoring a normal mineral balance inside the body. This massively eases the work of the liver and kidneys.

Sterols are the components that actively eliminate cholesterol in the whole body: the blood vessels, the heart, the liver, the intestines and more. They also participate in the healthy hormone production and regulate many processes in the body.

Essential oils in the product have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic effects, helping to promote a healthy metabolism and digestion, improving the absorption of vitamins, minerals, proteins. They help to prevent allergic reactions and boost the immune system.

How to use

Specialists recommend taking three capsules of the product daily, during mealtime.

Product produces Coral Club in United States

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